Easily boost your authority and stand out from the crowd!








Important question for online entrepreneurs who launched a business they are so
passionate about, but are STILL struggling to:
–  get their name out there,
– position themselves as the go-to expert in their niche,
– attract attention,
– build their brand AND their email list.

Every day, millions of different media outlets (websites and podcasts) are giving the keys to their audience to people who will then share their expertise and advice with that audience and, by doing so, they immediately become visible and build their brand and add hundreds of new subscribers to their email list.


The only question is: “Are they giving those keys to you?”.


And whether you sell an online program, a service or a physical product, the success of this business that you are so passionate about relies heavily on your answer to this one question.


If you know without a doubt that you’re not reaching as many people as you should with your brand and message, or if you feel your current list building strategies are just a big pile of spaghetti that you throw at a wall, hoping something will stick, then keep reading.


Because what will follow can easily be that pivotal moment you’ll look back at a few months from now when you will wake up every day to emails from people who read your latest guest blog or listened to one of your podcast interviews and who now want to know ONE thing: how they can work with you.

All the influencers out there use media opportunities as an effective way to build their brand and get in front of their ideal audiences to grow their business. Everybody is recommending it. And for the right reasons!

With media features (guest blogging, podcasts interviews) you can:

  • Gain INSTANT VISIBILITY – just think about it: when your article is published on a good website, bam! You are instantly visible!
  • Build your brand FAST – because you get directly in front of your ideal audience with the right message.
  • CONNECT with many influencers in your field – and this will help you grow your business faster than you can say “influencer” or “chocolate” or… well, I think you got the idea!
  • Build your EMAIL LIST – you can add hundreds of subscribers to your list with only a few articles.




Isn’t this cool?

So how do you do it too? How do you get featured on all those cool blogs and instantly gain visibility and trust while building your list fast?



Well, now comes the not so funny part: YOU MUST DO A LOT OF RESEARCH. Like any marketing tactic out there, if you don’t invest money you’ll have to invest your time. And researching GREAT media outlets and all the information you need to send your first pitch to them requires a lot of time.

The basic 5 steps media research process would look like this:

Step 1. Google research potential media outlets: those websites and podcasts must be aligned with your brand and their audience needs to overlap with your own audience.

Step 2. Choose the best websites and podcasts for you: find out how big their audience really is, how well engaged they are, if they accept guest blogging or guest interviews, what are their guest blogging rules.

Step 3. Prepare your pitch: find out what are the best-performing articles on each website, analyze it to see what they like to publish and what their audience enjoys, find the blogger’s email address, come up with very good potential article ideas you could write for them.

Step 4. Write your pitch: craft the perfect email and don’t forget to come up with the perfect subject title too!

Step 5. Send your pitch (and pray for an answer). 


Just imagine how long this would take you for just ONE WEBSITE!


Wouldn’t you prefer to spend all this time doing things that are within your zone of genius?


Well, if your answer is “No way, I would rather stab myself in the eye than doing all this research!”  then you have some other options like:

1. Hiring somebody, a virtual assistant, to do all the work for you.

You’ll spend a few good days or even weeks wondering who to hire. Chances are they are better with Google research, so let’s say that they will get back to you in 3-4 days. But if they are not specialized on guest blogging and don’t really understand what they are looking for, they will just send you a crappy list of websites. And you’ll end up losing precious time and paying hundreds of dollars for their many hours of research.

2. Or you can even hire me to do this for you.

I could send you a list of carefully selected good websites that are perfectly in line with your brand in 5 working days, but I am fully booked for the next 3 months and also my VIP services currently start at 700$/media package (which can be a lot of money when you are just starting out).


But wait, don’t get all demotivated! I have some great, great news. I am not kidding, this is better than Netflix binging on a Friday night! I promise!




Yes, you heard me right.

But if you want to really do this you have to take action NOW. Why? Because I only want to work with people who are determined to take action. I will make everything really easy for you but you have to want to do this.

This is why I am making this available only for the next few days.

If you are interested in becoming  OMNIPRESENT in 2018, so that everyone will be wondering what’s your secret of getting all those media opportunities, please continue reading.


Picture this:

  • in the next 30 minutes, you send a perfectly created email pitch with the perfect article ideas to the perfect website and tomorrow morning you’ll wake up to an email like the one below.

  • until the end of this year, you get featured on as many websites and podcasts in your niche as you want and your work gets immediately visible in front of your ideal buyers.
  • you add hundreds of subscribers to your email list by September 1st, so that you are finally ready to launch (or re-launch) that program or service that you know is going to change people’s lives.
  • you start receiving emails from your ideal clients that read your articles or listened to your podcast interview and want to work with you.
  • a potential client does a quick research on you, before deciding whether to hire you or not and in the next 5 minutes, he decides that you are the best thing that ever happened to him and goes directly to the checkout page, with the credit card in hand!
  • you launch your next product or service and 3 influencers share your sales page on social media, this gets thousands of people to your website and you finally make enough money so that you become confident that you can turn this “hobby business” into a full-time revenue stream.


How would all this impact your confidence level, your bank account, and your whole life?


Hi! I am Olivia Angelescu, a former corporate executive who decided to become a work from home mom (and I enjoy every darn moment of it)  🙂


In the first 3 months of starting my online business, I was featured on websites like the ones below.




And because of this, I started to wake up to emails like this one, coming from complete strangers.

I am a launch traffic strategist and using a smart media strategy is one of my super powers.

Just have a look at what a few of my clients say about my work:



For more than 12 years I have been working as a management consultant with hundreds of small and big companies, from startups who needed to figure out how they can position their new business in the crowded market to million dollar companies who needed to improve their profits. I loved it! I couldn’t imagine doing something more interesting. I was traveling a lot and this was also a cool thing for me, to see the world and meet all those different people. I’ve learned a lot!

And then something weird and wonderful happened to me, something that inserted a whole new range of feelings deep into my heart and made my brain strangely react to any career options involving spending more than 8 hours a day away from my family: yes, I became a mother!

And what better way to make a living while being a more present mother than running my own business, right? It only seemed logical. I had the knowledge, the experience, the results, all lined up. So I expected it to be pretty easy. I had my website up and ready, my state-of-the-art About page and contact details and then… here I was: A BIG DIGITAL NOBODY!

You see, all my clients were in the corporate, offline world. I had zero connection, zero credibility in the online era. The next logical step? Of course, I spent more than I could afford on crazy expensive online courses that guaranteed that if only I implemented everything they taught me I could work from the beach, enjoying cocktails (or whatever else I wanted). And I was a very good student. But I struggled. I got some good pieces of the puzzle and then some huge missing ones. And one of the top missing pieces was about how can I be different than all others doing the same thing and how can I gain visibility in this overcrowded online world, so that I have a chance of surviving.

Over the last year, I have turned from having no connections and no credibility in the online world to speaking at the same online events as very cool people like Neil Patel, Bushra Azhar, Liam Austin, Navid Moazzez, Rachel Luna and many others.  

I have also managed to get from zero to fully booked for my media services in only 2 weeks after officially launching!

I LOVE writing (I am actually planning a book!) so I have developed and used my own process of approaching guest posting and I have received many emails from top online editors, saying things like this:

Or this:

And not only have I been featured on top websites in my niche, but I have also learned exactly how to use it to build not only my brand but also my email list (so that I won’t have to ever worry about getting clients).

Just look at how my list has grown in only a few months (remember, I have everything against me, I am a just a random woman from Romania with zero connections online, English is not my main language and my friends and family don’t even understand what I am doing!):

But enough about me. I am just a nobody from Romania who became a mother and now is working from home. I am really not that special.

So, what about YOU? I am asking YOU.

  • Do you want to stop feeling like your business is just blending in?
  • Do you want to become the sought-after expert in your field?
  • Do you want to be different, visible and well… FAMOUS?
  • Do you want to have everything ready so that you sell out your next launch?

Then, by all means, continue reading, because I am introducing something amazing that will MAKE IT REALLY EASY  for you to achieve all of the above:


Your awesome system to become a media superstar:

– with zero time spent on Google research


– without having to brainstorm for hours how you can impress that intimidating editor or that busy podcaster.

So, WHAT’s INSIDE? Well, I have included everything, all the information you’ll ever need to get featured. I did all the work for you. 

You will get the following:



For every website you have all the needed information to easily put together your winning media menu:

– monthly traffic,

– editor’s email address (or link to their online submission form),

– link to their guest blogging guideline (and a short summary of those guidelines to save you even more time).




You will KNOW exactly what article ideas you will pitch to those editors and bloggers so that you skyrocket your chances of getting a YES, without paying 100$/month for a BuzzSumo subscription or spending your time doing all the research yourself!



You will receive regular free updates to the list for  one year (because in the Internet era things are changing fast, so I will have your back covered).


A short video training where I will walk you through everything, so that you understand how to use all the information included for your own business.




+50 examples of effective opt-in freebies in all the main online niches: Business, Health & fitness, Personal development and Home & family.

You will never run out of opt-in freebie ideas to use together with your guest articles so that you attract the readers back to your site and turn them into your subscribers!



Real, different examples of persuasive emails that got me featured fast.





You will get my checklist with everything you must do AFTER your guest article or podcast interview goes live, so that you start building a winning relationship with that editor, blogger or podcaster.

PLUS I will give you a template for everything you need:

  • writing the perfect media bio,
  • writing a polite follow-up email and even
  • writing your call-to-action that goes with every guest blog post or podcast interview you will do.






You will get VIP access to my closed Facebook group, dedicated only to my clients, where I post all the latest media opportunities I find out about. I could easily charge 500$ / year for this!

Now you have read all this and I am sure you are wondering what is the price for this, right? My product is focused on YOU, solopreneurs and small business owners who want to get results FAST without breaking the bank.

(NOTE: your local VAT might apply at checkout if you are based in the EU)

I want to make this as affordable as possible because I know that when you are just starting out every dollar matters.

This is why you can choose from the two following versions:

And wait, there ’s more!

If you decide to purchase you  will also get access to a great bonus, so that you are really confident you’ll achieve some great results.

I could charge more than 100$ on this bonus alone (actually other people do charge that as we speak). But instead, I decided to give this training as a gift to all those who purchase any of the “Guest-blogging-in-a-box”. So buy now and you will also receive:

BONUS:  my video training on “How to Pitch like a Supertar”

In this video I am going to teach you how to prepare and write your pitch to that busy blogger/editor, so that you get accepted with no sweat.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will this work for me if I am just starting out, have no online presence and zero subscribers on my list?

YES, this will help you even more if you are just starting out. You can use it to quickly establish your expert status and even add your first 100-500 subscribers to your email list in a few months (because the money is in the list, right?).

2. What if I am a non-native English speaker?

Welcome to the club! I am just like you and this has not stopped me from having great results. So why it should stop you?

3. Is this for me if I don’t have a business idea just yet?

If you haven’t narrowed down your business idea just yet, I would suggest to wait until you have this ready in order to make the most out of this. Or buy in now, so that you lock down the one time only low price and then work on choosing your business idea.

4. Is this good for me if I am already making money from my business?

Yes, if you are already making some money this means that your business idea is validated and you can start to scale it up. My product will help you consolidate your brand as an expert in your field and make great connections with top influencers, while building your list.

5. How is this product different than other products out there?

To be honest, my product is quite unique. You can find various lists of up to 50 websites on the Internet but they haven’t been updated in ages and most of them are even accepting guest posts anymore.

Also, there are people selling a list of less than 100 websites, but a lot of them are very well known websites (so why you should pay for his info??) and for more advanced online entrepreneurs (like entrepreneur.com or forbes.com). My website list doesn’t include something like this.

You could get a list of editor contacts with premium Media & PR training programs, for which you would have to pay more than 1,000$.

6. Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, I stand 100% behind all my products. If you receive the file and you don’t find all the information I promised to deliver, then just write me an email and I will refund your money.


Terms and conditions:

This product was researched and created by SC Self Development Concept SRL (“the Company”) and solely belongs to the Company. The Company gives no right to republish, resell, copy or modify unless prior written permission is given.

Entire contents of this product are protected by Copywright and belong to SC Self Development Concept SRL. No part of this product may be transmitted in any form, by any means, or reproduced for any purposes other than the personal use, without the prior written consent except permitted under the apllicable law.

Please note: The Company does not guarantee that any of the websites listed in this product will accept your content/ guest article. The list of websites should be treated only as a go-to resource for those who are looking to get featured as guest contributors to various online media publications.