What I do

101 effective ways to increase your blog traffic (website traffic) fast in 2020
This is a comprehensive (6.5k words) article on strategies you can use right now to increase your website traffic. If you don’t have the time read it now, get your free PDF download by inserting your email below: Whether you want to get traffic to a new blog or you...

How to make your Optin convert at +60%
[+ free download: the OPT-IN ideas swipe file – 60 great opt-in example for every niche ]As I was scrolling my Twitter feed today, I saw this hilarious post that featured potential reasons why you are probably single: “Last time I went in for a checkup my doctor asked...
Top 5 lessons learnt from the worst guest blogging pitch ever
Imagine this for a moment: you are a very busy blogger and every day you wake up to an inbox filled with hundreds of emails from random people who are pitching their wonderful articles. You grab a cup of coffee, sit down in front of your computer, open one of those...